
Picture of a woman receiving a foot massage

While most people think that reflexology is just another word for foot massage, it is, in fact, much more than that.

Beyond the feel-good effects of the treatment, the practice goes deeper than the skin and muscles. By taking specific reflex points on foot, reflexology induces a healing response in corresponding organs and areas of the body.

Kneading the soft fleshy ball of the foot, pulling on the toes, tracing around the heel, and pushing deep into the arch are just a few of the many small, intense movements you’ll experience during a reflexology treatment. Addressing anything from headaches to sinus problems to stomach issues, if sensitivity or tenderness is experienced when certain areas of the foot are stimulated, it usually indicates bodily weaknesses or imbalances within the corresponding organ.

With repeated practice of applying pressure and manipulating nerve endings (traditionally in the foot), reflexology can help clear any channels of blocked energy by moving the flow of blood, nutrients, and nerve impulses to ultimately improve overall health and balance. In addition to manipulating the pressure points on the foot, reflexologists sometimes work on the hands or ears to trigger relaxation as well.

Chinese Body Massage

Chinese Body Massage

Chinese body massages are traditionally done over clothes and in a reclining chair. The chairs are designed and built for maximum comfort and relaxation during the reflexology segment and transform into full massage beds during the body massage portion of your session. Chinese body massages are perfect for realignment and readjustment from the day-to-day hustle. If you have any pain or discomfort from sitting behind a computer for too long or your early morning workout, the body massage will release the tension in your body and get your ready for whatever daily task you may have.


Prenatal Massage

We know how much a great foot massage can improve your life during pregnancy. That is why we offer foot and body massages until the end of your 3rd trimesters. Book any "Reflexology" or "Reflexology +" treatments online. Please write "Prenatal" in the comment section. Our therapist will know just what to do to make you feel relaxed & comfortable & ready for the arrival of your bundle of joy.

Sport Massage 

Picture of A woman Running

Whether you are a hard-core athlete, a gym rat, or an occasional runner, a combination of foot reflexology & body massage can realign your body after a workout. Sore muscles are the reward and a byproduct of a good workout. The good news is you don't have to suffer through your daily activities after your morning workout!

A relaxing deep tissue massage with one of our therapists can open up your muscles and get you ready for your day. Just book your appointment online before or after your workout, and we will take care of the rest.

For the full list of the treatments that we offer and their prices, please click here